
Monday, November 23, 2015

Home - Sweet Home


It's said that "Home is where the heart is." After all this is where it all began. This is where you faked illness to avoid school (and years later, office!!), dreamt of being "something", yearned to travel the world, wished for a soul mate and not to mention fought with your parents through all the above phases!!

As I geared up for an almost 20 hour journey back home, I was overwhelmed with emotions. Child-like enthusiasm filled my heart with joy as I beamed at the thought of meeting my parents. As we grow older, we tend to distance ourselves from our true being. Just like a tree, which with time branches out and branches grow away from the roots. No matter how tall it grows, it's still grounded by the solid root system that enables its growth! To me, coming home will always be revisiting my roots, re-discovering my values and principles - the few assets I had, when I had just started off.

By the virtue of age, all of us have experiences! Most experiences take us far away to masquerades. It's a party out there and we switch masks to play various characters. From one ball to another, we dance away with people who we hardly know, people we wanna know, people who we wanna become or people who we become. There is a buffet of personalities, we pick and chose based on our appetites. In order to gain something, we lose ourselves.

As your home beckons, you are weirdly anxious about not fitting in anymore. (If you have eaten half the world in a span of days, you may literally not FIT in anymore!) But one look at your family and all your doubts vanish like a plate of veggies during your childhood!! (Into the bin where they belong!!) one warm embrace and you know you have in your arms, everything you'll ever need. You left home to earn a feel of royalty in an unknown kingdom. But little did you realize you were born royalty. Your wishes were commands that were fulfilled in a heart beat.

You change with times, you change for the world, one trip back home and you'll wonder was all of that worth! The simplicity of home is what makes it special. All your memories here are preserved in time. As you relive it, you wanna start over again. Do what's right, undo the wrong, treat people better and make up for the lost time. You learn a lesson of living every moment with the people you love and also learn how easy it is to make them smile! For the only gift they want is the gift of your time.

Lucky for you, somethings never change, for in your kingdom you'll always rule. Coming home has always put things in perspective for me. No matter how much of the world you'll see, the sight of our parents will remain unmatched; no matter the number of people you meet, the ones you grew up with will ensure the madness goes on; no matter how much you branch out, You know your roots are grounded indeed!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Few Good People..

The past few days have been really tough on some of my close ones. One of them fell ill, unexpectedly. Seeing him in the hospital, was the last thing I ever imagined for him. Not just coz he has always been super fit and athletic, definitely not coz he would prefer healthy organic options over the junk I would stuff myself with! Oh no! The fact that he is one of the few good people who welcomed us into his big house and bigger heart, should ensure that he is as far away from that pungent hospital smell.

You see, I may be a beacon to weirdos. But I have also attracted few good people into my life. And I would do whatever it takes to keep them safe. Nothing infuriates me more than bad things happening to good people. I mean come on, there a gazillion people who, if I might add, deserve to get the crap beaten out of them. It pains me to see the nature turning its back on such pieces of shit and coming after the few good people left on God's green earth!

It's not fair! But life isn't fair either. I can complain all I want, but it ain't solving nothing. It's not getting him healthier any faster. I feel helpless. What is it about good people that paints a target on their backs..always! Be it office where these people are the first to get screwed over or just plain life, where they receive the hardest of blows! I am angry, I am tearing out and driving maniacally. I'ma get one of these ass-clowns under my tyres - come on punks, line up!

I reach the hospital. Brave mode on. I mean, I am not gonna be a twerp adding to someones misery now, am I? I don't know what to expect. But what I see leaves me speechless. The man is plonked on the bed, looking fresh and dandy. Not like he's been in the hospital for the past 2 days or something, unless of course he has! Ok, what was I missing here? Did he undergo a cosmetic surgery? Why was he beaming? Goodness needs no facials or body wraps after all!

Minutes into the conversation and I finally know why every nurse greeted me with a smile when I asked for his room! Sir had gifted bouquets to nurses! Why? Coz they had done their job well! I looked at him in disbelief! That was just plain goodness beaming from inside a hospital gown. All I could do was smile and thank heavens for showering blessings and pulling him right back to where he belongs - into our lives!

Its such incidents in life that reaffirm my faith; make me feel little for bickering about the 1 thing that may not work in my favor when pretty much my whole life is under my control; get me feeling blessed for having such people in my life who stare fate in its eyes and snatch back what rightly belongs to them. Be blessed, always. Coz you sure as hell are blessing to all of us.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Game over 2014

2014. I had welcomed you with open arms and warm words. You may not remember, it was 12 months back, in a different continent and a different frame of mind. Let me refresh our memory:

2014 - Give me travel, give me adventure,
For my thirst of change, be a quencher.
Give me chaos, give me peace,
Rattle me up a little before you bring me to ease.
Give me love, give me joy,
Just relax and watch me enjoy.
Give me all you have and that's all I'll need.
P.S: 2013, heartfelt THANK YOU

You did breathe life into my words. You took me to a packed All State Arena in Chicago and let me soak in the reality of WWE Monday night RAW. You also threw in "Road to Wrestlemania" live event as an icing on the cake.  You brought a smile on my face and tears in my eyes; a rush I had never felt since I jumped off that plane; realized a dream that I had nurtured for over a decade.

You threw me in a whirlpool of uncertainties and shook my belief system inside out. And then you gave me the most beautiful person ever who would sail with me in the storm. I began a new journey with the only man I ever loved. He is mine now and forever to keep.  You brought in new relations I was scared of facing, unraveled the mysteries of "being a family". 2014, I can't thank you enough for making me a part of a new family I absolutely love and cherish! 

2014 - you were the year of a sucky professional life as you staged my encounter with one horrendous boss after another. You bought in uncertainties and threw me into a whirlpool of doubts. You made me question everything I ever stood for; watched me panic and let out an evil laugh.You got me working with witches right out of a cheap horror movie. You got me more than acquainted to the darkness in me that I knew existed. You got me swearing till I feared my ears could take no more, you pushed me off the edge as I screamed in despair. 

You gathered a soft cushion of family and friends to break the fall. Just when I thought you had annihilated me, left me broken, you showered me with love and told me I mattered. You promised that bright days were right around the corner. You filled my heart with patience and hope. 2014 - you were the year of great personal life. You showed me being cool ran in the family! 

You started alright, got me on cloud 9, crash landed me on rocky lands, showed me the way to heaven and back, got me feeling blessed, rubbed my face over barren lands, picked me up and exclaimed loudly - this is life! 

2014 - I am glad you came, I am glad you are gone. Thanks for taking away all the fair-weathered friends with you and thanks for leaving all the good memories behind. 

P.S: 2015, walk right into my arms.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

One liners much?

So I complete one more year in this hell hole. Over the years I have met some atrocious managers and severely challenged co-workers! Yup, I have been lucky more often than not! Small compilation of things I have had the good fortune to be at the receiving end of!

1. "You have put on weight". Yes, meat-head. Working with little twerps like you makes me hungry. Now shut up else I won't have to look further for my next meal!

2. "There are no "Good" girls around in office". Hmm. They just left to get you a full-length mirror coz you know, we think it would do you some good!

3. "There are no "Good" men in office."  Yes darling, we don't live in Hollywood. You won't find "The Rock". Learn to make do with the little pebbles thrown here and there!

4. "People don't speak good English here."  Yes Ms Britan, now can you repeat that slowly and in English if possible so that the rest of us can understand what you just regurgitated?

5. "You need to treat us! Let's party!!" Definitely! Coz I work hard to blow my money on undeserving nincompoops! Now, stop talking and help me remove your existence from my brain! And please, stop salivating around me!

6.  "Why are you still here? Your talent is wasted in this company" Really? I would remain a dumb blonde had it not been for your insights! And get me that job at Nat Geo, will you?

7. "You are 25 and unmarried? Why?" Well.. Coz of men like you, maybe?

8. "You are 28! You should have a baby now!" Sure and you just keep your semen in check!

9. "You are a junior resource. You should be more flexible." Bitch please.

10. "You are a senior resource. You should be more understanding ." Bitch please.

11. "You are a valuable resource to this project" As valuable as your last fart. Better out than in!

12. "You have been here for so long! You must be earning a lot!" In millions! I just come here to counsel shit heads like you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jobbing Blobbing

One more day, I tell my tired body. It's almost mid of the week and before you know it, its time to live your life Queen style, I console myself. Come Friday, all the miseries would be swept under the rug and that stunning smile will be back on, for real. As you see when I have to console myself, I leave no stones unturned.

You know something is not right when you have to bulldoze yourself out of bed everyday, travel to what might as well be a different city, clock overtime doing something you detest, smile at people who make your blood boil.... as you see I have had a FINE day at office!

Working in a place that threatens to eat you alive? Kill me if you haven't experienced any of this for real!

1. Your faith in the saying "Don't argue with idiots, they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience" finds a new dimension of belief. Having an argument with your boss? Your colleague making you regret your birth? Breathe.. Really it works.. one way or the other! You need one long breath to collect all your strength from your core and land a punch on their nose! Kidding.. (or not!) Or just one deep breath and walk away. It's heroic. Trust me. Plus you don't want to spend a lot of time in "idiot" zone now, do you?

2. You realize you are supremely talented and your work involves pretty much 0% of it. Hmm.. lets see. I write. I sing. I brighten people's lives! (ok, the last point may be an exaggeration. Alright, the first 2 may as well be not entirely true. You get the drift!) But I am no author, singer or a shrink! (God knows, I could really use one!) What do I do instead? I take peanuts for salary and dumb myself down for 9 hours.  Oh God! Forgive me, for I have sinned!

3. People come to you for career advise and end up judging you for being in the industry for as long as you have! Alright, don't judge me for my position in this God forsaken organization! If I could, I would make slaves out of some of the gems I have had good fortune working for/ with/ under ! (or not, I am against slavery, more so coz I don't appreciate sloppiness!)  Live and let live bitches!

4. You watch, very painfully I might add, oscar winning performances of your managers. Ever been in the situation where you are being fed bull crap about how management cares for you? I somehow don't remember much coz in my head I am in a happy place and I am really hurting them bad! Well.. you know they have to pay right? Since making them pay in reality may end you on streets or in your parents basements, you go that happy place in your head! Now, where's my whip!

5. You watch, again if I may add, with extreme agony, the corporate suck ups climb the ladder. (or  should I say air lifted!) Hmm.. I need my scalpel and scissors please. Noses to be surgically removed from asses! Oh, did I forget to mention this blog sometimes could be rated R? Read on punk!

6.  Most ladies come to either only discuss family woes (kids, kins anything that involves emotions.. coz you know you are.. well.. a shrink!) or display their atrocious fashion sense. Most men come to either ogle at such bimbos or provide a pathetic excuse for a shoulder to cry upon! Now, now, don't get me wrong! There are people who diligently work, but this post is to honor them, by not discussing their boring, unappreciated life!

7. Your spouse finds the need to be paid for the extra hours he/ she chalks out from his/ her busy schedule. It's like providing you the local anesthesia that will push you through the day, only to find the pain raging its ugly head within a matter of 24 hours! (Baby, I love you and thanks for all your advise that has kept people alive and away from my fury. High time you start billing my company!)

8. Employers think the job is given as a favor to you like they ran out of change when they caught you begging in the middle of nowhere and gave you a job instead of loose change! So working overtime or weekends is expressing gratitude to their unworthy positions! So put your personal lives out of the window and well.. umm.. bend over? (Rated R remember?)

9.  Indians don't believe in making mistakes. No, don't get me wrong. They make loads of them! But they just don't believe in accepting them as much as they believe in covering them. Everyone is given one chance to make a mistake. After that people catch you by your hands/ legs/ balls/ whatever and train you to cover them up. You know, like how you train your dog to cover up its poop.. wait.. don't you? I won't know, I am a cat person!

10. Threaten to quit!  Last and most definitely the most lethal - you want something that you actually deserve but isn't been given to you coz of well.. your inefficiency in ass kissing? Threaten to quit! No, you won't quote me on this. I have been a silent witness of this chess move and I know it kicks ass. But if you have an iota of self esteem, you would steer clear of it.

Phew, boulders off my chest! As you have guess by now - just another day in my life. Put me through misery or put me through joy, the writer in me promptly stands up and says "Ahoy"!